Innovative Nuclear Training: NEXA's Vision and Future

Innovative Nuclear Training: NEXA's Vision and Future

by: Budd Westermann

Hello there. My name is Budd Westermann, and I am the new Research & Development Director for Accelerant Solutions. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and talk about NEXA’s innovative nuclear training vision – where we are, and more importantly, where we’re going!

I’ve been in the nuclear industry for 31 years. Like many, I started my career in the Navy, where I served for 13 years. After that, I worked in the commercial industry, mostly in Training and Emergency Preparedness. Throughout my career, I’ve used my love of teaching and innovation to improve upon “the way we’ve always done it” and enhance every program I’ve been a part of. That’s why I am so excited to be here!

With NEXA™ – The Nuclear Excellence Academy – we are going to change “the way we’ve always done it” in nuclear training. Using innovative technology and blended learning techniques, we are developing a Turnkey Centralized Training Platform that is transforming the way the nuclear industry is approaching and conducting training.

Our Vision: Innovative Nuclear Training

At NEXA™ – The Nuclear Excellence Academy, we aim to become the centralized training platform for the nuclear industry. This platform will provide training recognized across the industry, ensuring practical, cost-effective, and compliant approaches to nuclear training.

What We Have Done

With the Nuclear Excellence Academy, we have already developed numerous courses designed to improve student performance, dramatically reduce classroom hours, and minimize instructor time.

  • CORE™ is our interactive Generic Fundamentals training platform. With this, you can prepare your students to pass an Operations Generic Fundamentals Exam.
  • Common Fundamentals for Maintenance & Technical (M&T) Personnel provide the orientation and introduction to processes, philosophies, and general sciences that are common to the initial training and qualification of M&T Personnel.

Where We Are Going

  • CORE™ 2.0 is the next evolution of our Operator Fundamentals Training. Building upon the success of our CORE™ 1.0 platform, this new version takes innovation to the next level. With more interactive features and an even more user-friendly interface, we’re creating an improved learning experience that will enhance retention and mastery for the student.
  • TIER 1 Maintenance and Radiation Protection (RP) Training will transform initial Maintenance and RP training in the nuclear industry. Using our cutting-edge PLANT™ platform, combined with even more interactive features, 3D models, and training in a virtual reality environment, we are reshaping how initial training is performed and evaluated.

Author: Budd Westermann

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